Neptune explained#
The topics in this section explain Neptune's core concepts in more detail.
What are workspaces and projects?
- A Neptune project is a collection of experiments. It typically represents one machine learning task.
A Neptune workspace can contain projects and members.
You can have project-level access control within a workspace.
Learn more: Workspaces and projects →
I work with sensitive data. What should I know?
You can control what data is logged and who can access it in Neptune.
- You can track artifact versions without storing any contents on Neptune servers.
- Source code and system metrics are logged by default, but you can disable it.
- You can host Neptune fully on your own infra, even without internet access.
Learn more: Privacy and security information →
What are namespaces and fields?
They refer to the folder-like structure used to organize metadata within a run or other object:
|-- field: Float # For example, run["f1_score"] = 0.82
|-- namespace
|-- field: FloatSeries # For example, run["metrics/acc"].append(0.76)
|-- namespace
|-- field: String # For example, run["config/activation"] = "ELU"
Learn more: Namespaces and fields →
What are field types and what logging methods can I use?
When logging some metadata to a field, its type is determined by what you're logging and how.
The field type affects how the metadata is stored, displayed, and interacted with:
Logging example
run["metrics/acc"].append(0.98) # "metrics/acc" is a FloatSeries field
run["metrics/acc"].append(0.99) # You can keep appending float values
run["metrics/acc"] = "High accuracy!" # Error: You can't suddenly assign a string
Fetching example
acc = run["metrics/acc"].fetch_values() # Series fields support fetching all values
acc = run["metrics/acc"].fetch_last() # ... or just the last value
run["metrics/acc"].download() # Error: download() is for file fields
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