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Neptune objects#

Neptune objects refer to entities that can contain metadata: runs, models, model versions, and projects.

Object type   Represents Description Section in app Demo
Run A tracked experiment Object containing model-building metadata. Typically, you create a run every time you execute a script that does model training, retraining, or inference. Runs View example
Model An ML model Collection of metadata common to all versions of a model you're working on. Models View example
ModelVersion A version of an ML model Collection of metadata specific to a version of a model. ModelsVersions View example
Project A Neptune project (an ML task you're solving) An object that can be used to log and query project-level metadata. Project metadata View example

How it works in the code#


The below code creates a Run object in your Neptune project, as specified by the NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable. Runs can contain any metadata you want to track, plus some automatically logged system metrics.

Sample code
import neptune

run = neptune.init_run()
run["params"] = {"lr": 0.01, "batch_size": 64, "activation": "ReLU"}

Once the run is stopped, you get a link to the run in the Neptune app.


Register a model once, then create as many versions as you need. As with runs, you can store any metadata you like, in a structure of your choosing.

Registering a model
import neptune

model = neptune.init_model(key="FOREST")
Creating a new model version
model_version = neptune.init_model_version(model="CLS-FOREST") # (1)!
  1. Pass the ID of an existing model

Project metadata#

A Neptune project can itself be treated as a Neptune object, which lets you track and query metadata that applies on project level.

You can use the same logging methods as for runs and model objects.

Tracking dataset version for the whole project
import neptune

project = neptune.init_project(project="ml-team/classification")

This way, you can have a single source of truth for artifact versions or other metadata that's shared between all runs and models in the project.

Structure of a Neptune object#

Sample structure and field types
|-- field - String
|-- namespace
    |-- field - Float
    |-- field - FileSeries
|-- namespace
    |-- namespace
        |-- field - String
        |-- field - FloatSeries
|-- sys
    |-- creation_time - Datetime
    |-- ...

The metadata is organized into namespaces and fields.

  • Namespace: A "folder" inside a Neptune object.

    The sys namespace is always created. It contains basic info about the object. To learn more, see System namespace.

    For runs, the following additional namespaces are created by default: monitoring and source_code. For details, see What Neptune logs automatically.

  • Field: Location inside a namespace where a piece of metadata is stored. Each field is of a certain type, which depends on the type of metadata and how it was logged.

    If you think of the data structure like a tree, fields are the "leaves". A field can be flat (stored at the root of the object) or nested (stored under one or more namespaces).

Summary: What's the difference between the objects?#

In your code, you work with the objects in much the same way:

  1. You initialize the object with its own init() function, either to create a new object or log to an existing one.

    You can resume a connection to an object any number of times.

  2. It's up to you to define what types of metadata to log and in what structure.

  3. When you're done logging, you should stop the connection to the object.

The main differences are:

  • The available methods and properties. For example, managing the stage is only available for model versions.
  • Model and project objects do not monitor things in the background, like runs do.
  • Run and model version objects are designed for multiple trials and comparison, so their Neptune IDs include a counter.