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Create a Neptune project#

A Neptune project typically represents one machine learning task. A project can contain runs, models, model versions, and project-level metadata.

Before you start#

If you haven't already, sign up for a Neptune account at

Creating a project#

  1. In your Neptune workspace, navigate to All projects.
  2. Click New project.
  3. Enter the project information and set a privacy level:

    1. Project name: Must consist of 3 to 50 alphanumerical characters and hyphens (-).

      The name is case-insensitive. For example, CV-Project and cv-project will be treated as the same.

    2. Project key: Must consist of 1 to 10 capital letters.

      The project key can't be changed after the project is created. It's used to identify runs and other Neptune objects.

    3. Project privacy: Level of visibility for the project. Users with access effectively become project owners.

      • Private: Only people assigned to the project can see it.

        Note on plans

        On plans without project-level access control, private projects (accessible only to some workspace members) are not available. You need to set the privacy to "workspace" or "public".

      • Workspace: Any workspace members can access these projects.

      • Public: Freely available to view by anyone on the internet.
  4. (optional) Set a project color and enter a description.

  5. To finish, click Create.

Creating a new project in Neptune

API tip

You can also create projects programmatically. For details, see Create and delete projects via API.

Limit of active projects#

Note that you can only create a new project if your quota of active projects isn't full.

  • Your maximum number of simultaneously active projects is managed by your workspace admin. If your limit is reached, you need to upgrade your subscription or archive another project first.
  • Free plans are limited to one active project at a time.

Next steps#

You can now record metadata to the project by setting the NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable to the full project name (workspace-name/project-name).

Example: If your workspace name is ml-team and your project name is classification:

export NEPTUNE_PROJECT="ml-team/classification"
export NEPTUNE_PROJECT="ml-team/classification"
setx NEPTUNE_PROJECT "ml-team/classification"
Current session only
set NEPTUNE_PROJECT="ml-team/classification"

Alternatively, you can specify the project name when initializing Neptune:

Create a run
run = neptune.init_run(project="ml-team/classification")
Create a model
model = neptune.init_model(project="ml-team/classification", key="FOREST")
Add or fetch project-level metadata
project = neptune.init_project(project="ml-team/classification")
