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Create a dashboard#

Example of a custom dashboard in Neptune

A dashboard is a customizable display option for each run in your project.

You can combine different metadata types in a single dashboard, such as charts, parameters, image series, and code snapshots. For example:

  • Overlaid metrics and loss for training and validation
  • Model parameters, training code, hardware consumption, and ROC curves
  • Validation metrics and image predictions on a subset of a validation set next to each other

See example dashboard in Neptune 

To create a custom dashboard:

  1. Open a run in Neptune.
  2. Click New dashboard.
  3. Enter a title for your dashboard.
  4. In the top-right corner, click Add widget.

    1. Type in the field you want to display and see which widget options you have.
    2. Or choose a widget type directly, then enter fields to include.

      For an overview of widgets available for each metadata type, see Widgets and supported field types.

  5. Enter a widget title.

  6. Add more widgets to your dashboard as needed.
  7. Drag and resize the widgets to arrange them to your liking.
  8. To finish, save your dashboard.

Varying screen size

If you use the dashboard on screens of different sizes, save your dashboard again once you've rearranged the widgets for a particular screen size.

Neptune will remember the configurations as the screen size changes.

Getting more space#


To enlarge the metadata area, you can:

  • Minimize the left sidebar with the button.
  • Collapse the toolbar with the icon.
  • Adjust the number of table columns shown by unpinning them or dragging to minimize the table area.
  • Enter distraction-free mode with the button, to temporarily maximize the metadata area.