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Compare groups of runs#

You can compare run groups against each other with the "group by" function.

In the Runs table, next to the search input box, select Group by and choose which value to group the runs by.

You can then add more columns to the table as needed in order to compare and sort by different values.

To select or deselect all of a group's runs, collapse the group and then toggle the eye icon () on the collapsed group.

See in Neptune 

Plot group mean as single graph#

In the Compare runs mode, you can see the mean of each group plotted as a single graph.

To group the graphs over the current groupBy value in the Charts tab, toggle Average grouped runs.

The below example shows runs grouped by dataset version hash. (You need to toggle on the grouping in the chart options, as shown in the screenshot.)

See in Neptune 

Compare runs within group#

To compare all runs within a single group against each other:

  1. Click the top eye icon () and select None.
  2. Collapse the group you're interested in.
  3. Click the eye icon on that collapsed group to select all runs within.