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Reports in Neptune#

Example of a report in Neptune

A report is a customizable analysis of specific runs in your project.

To access reports, in the left nav, select Reports.

To create a report, you can either choose widgets from scratch or export an existing dashboard. You can use widgets that support multi-run comparison:

See example report in Neptune 

Exporting a dashboard to report#

Once you've created a dashboard, you can export it along with particular runs. This way, you can share and return to the analysis of a specific set of runs later.

  1. Navigate to a dashboard and choose which runs to include ( ).
  2. Select Export toExport to report.
  3. To confirm that you want to use the currently selected runs for the report, check the corresponding box.

On exporting, you're taken to the report automatically.


Reports are autosaved when you make a change.

You can access the version history through the button. In the version options ( ), you can name and restore particular versions of the report.

Saving a layout

A report takes into account which runs are selected at the time.

To save the layout with no particular runs configured, instead create a dashboard in the Runs section.

Supported widgets#

Metadata type Neptune field type Supported widget
Numerical series (metrics, loss, accuracy) FloatSeries (int or float values logged with append() or extend())1 Chart
Numerical or datetime values Float, Integer, Datetime (logged with assign() or =) Scatter plot
Single image File (image logged with upload()) Single image comparison

For how to configure individual widgets, see Dashboards.

  1. Refers to a single metric. Combining multiple different metrics in a single chart is currently only supported for single-run widgets.