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Search and filter the runs table#

Filter input box and selection menu for date and time

When searching and filtering the table view for runs and models in the Neptune web app, you can build one or more conditions using the Neptune query language.

  1. Start typing the name of a field. For example, tags.
  2. Click on a field in the list, or highlight it and hit Enter.
  3. Choose an operator from the list.
  4. Choose a value:
    • Directly type in a value to use, or
    • From the value list, select one or more options and click Done when finished (you can also hit Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter).


  • Click on the operator or value to modify it without changing the rest of the query.
  • To instantly filter by tag or owner, click on a tag or owner in the respective column.


Syntax of a condition:

  • <field> exists
  • <field> <operator> <one or (if applicable) more values>

You can build a query out of multiple conditions, in which case all of the conditions are applied (joined by AND).

Data and field type Operators Value(s) Example
Numerical (Float or Integer) =, !=, >=, >, <=, <, exists, not exists integer or float f1 >= 0.95
Numerical series (FloatSeries) aggregates: average, variance, last value, max, or min =, !=, >=, >, <=, < integer or float test/acc LAST < 0.6
Text (String) =, !=, contains, not contains, exists, not exists string sys/name = blobfish-candytuft
Text series (StringSeries) last entry =, !=, contains, not contains string finetuning/monitoring/stderr contains SomeException
Owner one of, not one of user or service account name sys/owner one of jackie, francis
Tags (StringSet) one of, not one of, all of one or more tags sys/tags all of finetune, v2.0
Artifact = hash value data/version/train = aae08a1jkdt45pl...b1b
State (RunState) one of, = active or inactive sys/state = active
Model version stage (Stage) one of, not one of none, archived, staging, production sys/stage one of staging, production
datetime exists, not exists, before, after, last

Value for before/after: date and time

Values for last: day, week, month, quarter, or year

sys/creation_time last quarter
Boolean =, != True or False sys/failed = True

The query language currently does not support fields involving files (File, FileSet, FileSeries).

Example queries#

Models small enough to be used on mobile that have a decent accuracy

  • model_info/size_MB <= 50
  • test/acc | LAST > 0.90
What was logged
run = neptune.init_run()
run["model_info/size_MB"] = 45
for epoch in epochs:
    # training loop
    acc = ...

All of Jackie's runs from the current exploration task

  • sys/owner = jackie
  • sys/tags one of exploration
What was logged
run = neptune.init_run(
    api_token="...", # (1)!
    tags=["exploration", "pretrained"],
  1. The API token of jackie's account, passed to this argument or set to the NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN environment variable

All runs from the start of a particular month that failed during training

  • sys/creation_time after 2023-11-01 00:00:00
  • sys/failed = True
What was logged
run = neptune.init_run()
# Exception was raised during execution