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Show fields in comparison legend#

Pinned columns displayed in the legend box of a chart

When comparing runs, you can edit the legends and tooltips that show additional metadata of selected runs. To include fields, you need to pin the corresponding column in the runs table.

Pinning columns is a way to mark those fields as relevant to your analysis. The same mechanism applies to viewing one run at a time in the Run details view mode. You can have one set of pinned columns in one custom view, and a different set in another view.

To pin a column:

  1. Switch to the Runs table tab.
  2. If you haven't already, add the field of interest (such as sys/name) with the Add column button.
  3. On the column, click the icon and select Pin column.

    You can also drag the column to the area left of the separator bar.

Pinning a column in the runs table


The fields of the pinned columns are now included in the legend.