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No module named 'neptune'#


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'neptune'

Issue: The Neptune client library is not installed on your system or in your environment.

Solution: Install the Neptune client library.

Upgrading with neptune-client already installed

Important: To smoothly upgrade to the 1.0 version of the Neptune client library, first uninstall the neptune-client library and then install neptune.

Step 1
pip uninstall neptune-client
Step 2
pip install neptune

Open a terminal and enter the following command:

pip install neptune
conda install -c conda-forge neptune
Installing through Anaconda Navigator

To find neptune, you may need to update your channels and index.

  1. In the Navigator, select Environments.
  2. In the package view, click Channels.
  3. Click Add..., enter conda-forge, and click Update channels.
  4. In the package view, click Update index... and wait until the update is complete. This can take several minutes.
  5. You should now be able to search for neptune.

Note: The displayed version may be outdated. The latest version of the package will be installed.

Note: On Bioconda, there is a "neptune" package available which is not the client library. Make sure to specify the "conda-forge" channel when installing

Where to enter the command
  • Linux: Command line
  • macOS: Terminal app
  • Windows: PowerShell or Command Prompt
  • Jupyter Notebook: In a cell, prefixed with an exclamation mark: ! your-command-here

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