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Set custom run name#

To title a new experiment, pass a string to the name argument of the init_run() function.

Name a new run
import neptune

run = neptune.init_run(name="badger-lily")

The custom name is stored in the sys/name field. It can function as a human-readable ID for the run.

Displaying the custom name#

To display the custom name in the table view, add the sys/name field:

  1. Click Add column.
  2. Select the sys/name field.

To show the name in chart legends:

  • On the Name column, click Pin column.

Pinning a column in the experiments table

Editing the name#

In the app#

You can edit the name of an existing run directly in the Neptune app.

Run menu in Neptune app

  1. Open the run menu ( ) next to the ID and select Run information.
  2. In the Name box, enter a custom name.
  3. To save the name, click the check mark ().

Via the API#

To edit the name of an existing run, assign a new string to the sys/name field.

Add or change name for existing run
import neptune

run = neptune.init_run(with_id="NLI-8")
run["sys/name"] = "anteater-daisy"