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Essential logging methods#

Depending on your type of metadata, there are a few different logging methods to choose from.

The method determines the resulting type of field, which affects how the metadata is stored, displayed, and interacted with.

Logging example
run["metrics/acc"].append(0.98)          # "metrics/acc" is a FloatSeries field
run["metrics/acc"].append(0.99)          # You can keep appending float values
run["metrics/acc"] = "High accuracy!"    # Error: You can't suddenly assign a string
Fetching example
acc = run["metrics/acc"].fetch_values()  # Series fields support fetching all values
acc = run["metrics/acc"].fetch_last()    # ... or just the last value
run["metrics/acc"].download()            # Error: download() is for file fields

The below table outlines which method to use, depending on the type of metadata you're logging:

What you're logging Neptune method    Example
Parameters, scores, any single values = or assign() run["f1_score"] = 0.86
Metrics, text logs append() (inside a loop) run["train/loss"].append(loss)
Predictions, sequence of images append() (inside a loop) run["misclassified_images"].append(img_object)
Externally stored artifacts track_files() run["data/val"].track_files("s3://data/train")
Set of files upload_files() run["preprocessing_scripts"].upload_files("./preprocessing/*.py")
File upload() run["binaries"].upload("model.pkl")

Value assignment: =#

Single value#

Text field in run metadata view

To log single-valued metadata, like a hyperparameter or evaluation metric, assign the value with an equality sign (=):

import neptune

run = neptune.init_run()

run["max_epochs"] = 5
run["params/activation"] = "ReLU"

You can query a single value from a Neptune object with the fetch() method:

>>> print(run["max_epochs"].fetch())

Dictionary of values#

To log metadata from a Python dictionary, like a training configuration, assign the value with an equality sign (=). Your Python dictionary will be parsed into a Neptune namespace automatically.

run["parameters"] = {
    "batch_size": 64,
    "dropout": 0.2,
    "optim": {"learning_rate": 0.001, "optimizer": "Adam"},

When fetching, the namespace structure would look like this:

>>> print(run["parameters/optim/optimizer"].fetch())

Series of values: append()#

Chart showing several graphs

Use the append() method to create a series of metrics or other values, like loss during training or text logs after every iteration. Each append() call adds a new value to the series.

run = neptune.init_run()

for iteration in range(100):

To append a collection of values at once, you can use the extend() method.

You query entries from a series of values with the fetch_last() method:

>>> run["train/loss"].fetch_last()

Series of images#

View a series of images in Neptune

You can also use the append() method to log a series of figures, like image predictions after every epoch.

You can pass PIL, Matplotlib, or Seaborn figure objects as the argument:

for iteration in range(100):
    pil_image = ...
Passing a file path as the argument

If you supply a file path, use the File constructor:

from neptune.types import File

for i in range(100):

Artifact version tracking: track_files()#

Artifact metadata in Neptune

To track and version a dataset, model, or any other artifact stored in a file, folder, or S3-compatible storage, use the track_files() method:

run = neptune.init_run()

This only stores metadata about the artifacts on Neptune servers, not the artifacts themselves.


Track artifacts

File upload: = or upload()#

Matplotlib figures

To log a single file or object, like a sample of data or confusion matrix figure, simply assign the object to a field name of your choice.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

run = neptune.init_run()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9))

# Log figure to run
run["my-figure"] = fig

When passing a file path as the argument, use the upload() method:



Set of files: upload_files()#

Preview of set of images in Neptune app

If you don't need advanced display options for individual files, you can upload a set of files to a single field with the upload_files() method.


Arrays and tensors: as_image()#

Display your arrays or tensors as a series of images with the as_image() method:

from neptune.types import File


Interactive HTML: as_html()#

Plotly figure in Neptune

You can convert, for example, dataframe objects to interactive HTML with the as_html() method:

from neptune.types import File


By default, Neptune logs Matplotlib figures as static images. You can use as_html() to log the figure as an interactive visualization instead:

from neptune.types import File

fig = ...

Python object: as_pickle()#

Log Python objects as pickles with the as_pickle() method:

from neptune.types import File
