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Log text#

You have several options for logging text to a Neptune object.

Free-form text#

Small piece of text#

You can assign a single string to a field:

# Log single string
run["aux/text"] = "Text I keep track of, like query or tokenized word"

or iteratively log a series of text entries with the append() method:

# Log series of strings to the same field
for epoch in range(epochs_nr):
    token = str(...)


Due to a technical limitation, only 1000 characters are indexed in String fields. This means that when searching the experiments table, only the first 1000 characters are considered.

Long piece of text#

If your string is long, it may be handier to upload as a text file instead.

  • Option A) Log the text as a file by utilizing the from_content() method of the Python API:

    from neptune.types import File
  • Option B) Manually save your text as a file on disk, then upload that:


Description of the run#


You can edit the name of the object in the same way, with the name argument or the sys/name field.

Adding a description is one way to annotate or comment on the object. You can add the description either when first creating the object or later through the web app.

Adding a description at initialization#

Pass some text to the description argument when initializing a run:

run = neptune.init_run(
    description="NN trained on Fashion-MNIST with high LR and low dropout"

This stores the tags in the sys/description field. You can modify it later by editing this field either through the web app or the API.

Adding a description later#

You can also edit the description field directly:

  1. Next to the run ID, click the menu ( ) and select Run information.
  2. Edit the Description field.
  3. Save your changes.
run["sys/description"] = "Neural net trained on Fashion-MNIST"

If you want to edit the description a previously created object, you need to resume it first:

run = neptune.init_run(with_id="RUN-ID") 
run["sys/description"] = ...

To modify an existing description, simply overwrite it with a new string.

Viewing and editing run information


You can use emoji in any string (except StringSeries fields):

run = neptune.init_run(name="Special run ⭐️")