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Get the Neptune ID#

Screenshot of the app showing where the Neptune ID is displayed

Runs and other Neptune objects are automatically assigned an identifier (ID) based on the project key.

Example: If your project key is NER, the 5th run logged to the project has the ID NER-5.

To copy the ID to your clipboard, go to the run's menu → Run information.

Finding a custom run ID#

If you set a custom ID (with the custom_run_id argument of neptune.init_run() or the NEPTUNE_CUSTOM_RUN_ID environment variable), that ID string is stored in the run's sys/custom_run_id field.

You can add this field to the Experiments table as a column.

Fetching the ID through the API#

If a Neptune object is active in your code, you can obtain its ID by calling fetch() on the field where the ID is stored.

Fetching a run's Neptune ID
>>> import neptune
>>> run = neptune.init_run(project="ml-team/named-entity-recognition")
>>> ...
>>> run["sys/id"].fetch()
Fetching a model's Neptune ID
>>> model = neptune.init_model(key="FOREST")
>>> ...
>>> model["sys/id"].fetch()